Construction Purchasing

  • Print Options - Purchase order reports print by: vendor, purchase order number, date, job, open/closed or all purchase orders, fixed price and unit price purchase orders--in summary or detail, and in multiple combinations.
  • Purchase Order Listing - Entered purchase orders are printed in summary or detail format. Purchase orders may be selected from a range of vendors, jobs, work orders, equipment codes, purchase-order numbers and dates. The report lists the cost-center distributions, unit or fixed prices, discounts, freight charges, ordered quantities, extended amounts and amount invoiced to date on each line item.
  • Job Budgets vs. Committed Costs - Selected job line items are listed in sorted order showing the current budget, purchase order commitments to-date, invoiced amounts to-date, and, optionally, the invoiced transaction detail. Printed job line items may be selected from a range of jobs, job categories, line-item codes and vendors. The report can be printed in summary or full-detail format.
  • Purchase Order Invoice Detail - Selected purchase orders are printed in sorted order by purchase order number, vendor, job, work order, or inventory material code. The information displayed includes the cost-center distribution of each line item, the purchase order amount, invoiced to-date, invoice number, date and amount of each invoice transaction. Purchase orders may be selected from a range of vendors, jobs, work orders, equipment codes, or material codes and by selecting unit price only, fixed price only, or both.

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