Construction Accounts Payable Reports
Reports print by: vendor, job, phase, cost code, cost type, category, subcontractors, invoice number, invoice date, check number, check date, due date, fiscal period, G/L account, waiver/release type, joint check arrangements, insurance/license expiration date and vendor document -- in summary or detail, and in multiple combinations.
- Cash Requirements Schedule - This report is a chronological listing of all open payables, sorted and subtotaled by day or by week. Report options allow you to select specific vendors and a range of invoice due dates. The report is a useful worksheet for scheduling payments to control cash flow.
- Purchases Subject to Use Tax - All invoices which are stipulated as being subject to use tax within a selected range of tax jurisdictions and fiscal periods are listed for review, in order to determine any use-tax liability.
- Vendor Trial Balance - The report lists all open invoices (in detail or summary) at the end of a specific accounting fiscal period. Partial payments are also listed. This is a useful tool for reconciling the accounts-payable balance in General Ledger at the end of any prior reporting period.
- Aged Accounts Payable -- by Vendor - This aging report lists open payable amounts in vendor order at the end of the current or any prior accounting period. Aging categories may be customized at the time the report is printed. (Standard categories are 30, 60, 90 or over 90 days.) The report also lists the total retention withheld from each vendor (subcontractor).
- Aged Accounts Payable -- by Job - The format is essentially the same as the aging by vendor, except that the invoices are sorted and subtotaled in job order.
- Vendor Check Register - This is a printed register of all cash disbursements made during a selected time period (calendar date or fiscal periods). The checks may be sorted in check-number order, check date or posting journal.
- Vendor Listing - This report lists the setup information for selected vendors. The information includes name, address, telephone numbers, contact name, total payments made this year and last year, and current payable amount.
- Vendor History -- by Vendor or by Job - The report lists all invoice and payment detail for selected vendors or jobs during any selected fiscal period or calendar date.
- Vendor Documents Listing - Vendor documents such as Preliminary Notices, Waiver & Release forms, Joint Checking instructions, or general Performance Notes may be listed for selected vendors and/or jobs.
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